Weight Loss

Some Weight Loss programs and therapy will specifically target the ‘problem’ of Weight Loss rather than the ‘underlying causes’ that sit behind your weight journey (even some Hypnotherapy is known to do this). How many times have you heard people say ‘I can never seem to achieve / maintain my ideal healthy weight?’. As a Strategic Hypnotherapist, I will target the causes which underlie your weight journey. Assisting you to reframe / remove the underlying causes that sabotage you achieving and maintaining your quality of life.

Interesting fact

Only about 20% of overweight individuals are successful at maintaining their weight loss over the longer term

How Hypnosis can help you understand your barriers:

  • Identification and removal of your faulty processes that caused you to put on weight (and maintain it), then replacing it with a positive life changing process.

  • Embedding this positive process in your subconscious mind

  • Development of an “inner ally” to help support you in making potentially challenging, but necessary changes.

  • Enhancing competence and confidence via encouraging, affirming language.

  • Visualization of already having achieved your goal and feeling good about it.

  • Accessing and partnering with the part of your unconscious that wants to make change.

  • Comforting the part of you that may be afraid of change.

  • Understanding why you have needed to use weight as a tool.

  • Reframing the previous “use” of eating as a tool that can now be safely retired.

  • Visualization of the new, healthier “tools” for coping, navigating personal relationships, and communicating effectively.

  • Mental rehearsal to make using healthy tools more automatic.

For you to get maximum benefits from your Weight Loss Clinical Hypnotherapy sessions, typically allow for between 3 - 6 Sessions depending on the levels of these and any underlying comorbid mental health concerns

How our subconscious mind sees weight gain

  • Using food to increase feelings of comfort.

  • Eating to decrease feelings of sadness, anger, anxiety, or other emotions.

  • Weight serving as a buffer between yourself and others, especially with regard to intimate relationships.

  • Positive identification with others in your life - past or present - who are overweight.

  • Equating “good times” with calorie-dense, sugary, fatty, or processed foods.

  • Fattening foods or beverages identified as “rewards” for enduring difficulty, suffering through illness, or not having felt loved.

  • Fattening foods are rewards for “good behaviour” or achievement. Feeling overly full associated with comfort.

  • Subconscious behaviours as a defence against the fear you would fail if you tried to lose weight.

  • Weight as a way to rebel against others who are upset about your weight.

  • A way of communicating something without speaking (e.g., eating the leftover cake to express anger at a spouse or parent, etc., rather than discussing the situation that left you feeling angry).

Common reasons for weight gain

Hypnotherapy is not going to make you lose weight. It is important to understand it is your thoughts, your emotions and your behaviours that will influence your weight loss journey. This is where Clinical Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy are powerful tools to kick start you on your journey. I will change the relationship you have developed (through faulty processing) with your mind and your lifestyle choices.

  • Oftentimes people who are struggling with weight loss or eating disorders tend to feel stuck in a cycle of overindulging or being sedentary, which is then followed by self-blame and shame. This type of pattern is usually fuelled by other emotions or experiences

First, it’s important to acknowledge that there are a number of physical factors that increase the risk of overweight. Some of these include:

  • Prenatal factors (maternal overweight, gestational diabetes, maternal smoking)

  • Genes

  • Chemical exposure (e.g., phthalates, bisphenol A, the pesticide DDT)

  • Hormonal factors (hypothyroidism, PCOS, Cushing’s disease, etc.)

Further physical factors which increase the risk of weight gain include:

  • Certain medications (e.g., some antidepressants, corticosteroids, anti seizure medicines)

  • Too little sleep (which affects insulin and other hormones that impact appetite, eating behaviors, and weight gain)

  • Exposure to antibiotics (which alters the quality of one’s gut bacteria)

  • Subconscious lifestyle factors (eating too much, making unhealthy food choices, and moving too little)n

Examples of Health Benefits from Weight Loss:

  • Lowered blood pressure

  • Lowered risk of heart disease

  • Lower levels of cholesterol

  • Lowered risk of Type 2 Diabetes

  • Reduced risk of stroke

  • Reduced risk of gallbladder disease

  • Reduced risk of sleep apnoea

  • Reduced risk of depression

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Addiction to a substance or to a behaviour is a complex problem that affects every aspect of your life. Overcoming these addictions requires reaching out for support and making changes to the way you live, deal with problems, and relate to others.